(You can download most of these from my academia site or email me for a copy.)
Bednarek, M. (2023). Language and Characterisation in Television Series. A Corpus-informed Approach to the Construction of Social Identity in the Media. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. (Studies in Corpus Linguistics 106)
- Winner, Screenwriting Research Network 2023 Best Monograph award
- You can preview the book here (via Google books)
- Reviewed in Journal of Pragmatics; Functions of Language; Journal of Language and Pop Culture
Caple, H., Huan, C. and M. Bednarek (2020). Multimodal News Analysis Across Cultures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (30,000 words, Cambridge Elements in Corpus Linguistics).
- Using case studies of news from China and Australia, this short book presents a cross-linguistic comparison of news values in national day reporting.
- Additional resources (video, appendices) available here (click on ‘Resources’ to expand).
- Chapter excerpt (10 pages)
Bednarek, M. (2019) Creating Dialogue for TV: Screenwriters Talk Television. London/New York: Routledge. (25,000 words, Routledge Studies in Media Theory and Practice)
- This short book features curated interviews with Hollywood screenwriters and screenwriting advice
- Shortlisted for a 2019 Taylor & Francis Outstanding Book and Digital Product Award
Bednarek, M. (2018) Language and Television Series. A Linguistic Approach to TV Dialogue. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Companion website, featuring many additional examples and other resources
- Reviewed in Journal of Pragmatics, Language and Dialogue, Anglia…
Bednarek, M. and H. Caple (2017) The Discourse of News Values: How News Organisations Create Newsworthiness. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press.
- Watch an interview about this book: YouTube link
- Companion website (additional resources and extensions)
- Reviewed in Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, System, Language in Society (book note), Iperstoria: Testi Letterature Linguaggi…
- Recommended by CHOICEconnect (A publication of the Association of College and Research Libraries)
Bednarek, M. and H. Caple (2012) News Discourse (with Helen Caple). Continuum Discourse series (edited by Ken Hyland). London/New York: Continuum.
- Preview the book on the publisher’s site
- Reviewed in Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Journal of Pragmatics, Australian Journal of Linguistics, Lodz Papers in Pragmatics…
- Reissued in 2018 in the Bloomsbury Classics in Linguistics series
Bednarek, M. (2010) The Language of Fictional Television: Drama and Identity. London/New York: Continuum.
- Reviewed in Applied Linguistics, English Text Construction, Anglistik, Australian Review of Applied Linguistics
Bednarek, M. (2008) Emotion Talk across Corpora. Houndmills/New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Download online appendices from the Downloads section
- Reviewed in Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquee, Linguist List, Linguistic Research (in Chinese), Linguistics and the Human Sciences
- Download the first chapter: Chapter 1
Bednarek, M. (2006) Evaluation in Media Discourse. Analysis of a Newspaper Corpus. London/New York: Continuum.
- Reviewed in Discourse Studies and Journal of Quantitative Linguistics
- Download the introduction: Evaluation_Ch1
- Another sample chapter for download (Ch. 4 ‘A new theory of evaluation’): Evaluation_Chap4
Edited Books and Special Journal Issues
Bednarek, M. and T. van Dijk (eds.) (2025) Special issue of Discourse & Communication on News Today.
Bednarek, M., Werner, V. and M. Veirano Pinto (eds.) (2021) Special issue of the International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 26/1 on Corpus Approaches to Telecinematic Language. https://doi.org/10.1075/ijcl.26.1
García, A., Crosthwaite, P. and M. Bednarek (eds.) (2020) Special issue of the Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 43/2 on Corpus linguistics and Education in Australia. doi:https://doi.org/10.1075/aral.43.2
Piazza, R., Bednarek, M. and F. Rossi (eds) (2011) Telecinematic Discourse: Approaches to the Language of Films and Television Series. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins (Pragmatics and Beyond New Series, editor Anita Fetzer)
- Book on publisher’s website
- Reviewed in Language, English Text Construction, Discourse Studies, Linguist List
Bednarek, M. and J.R. Martin (eds) (2010) New Discourse on Language: Functional Perspectives on Multimodality, Identity, and Affiliation. London/ New York: Continuum.
- Preview on publisher’s site
- Reviewed in Discourse Studies
Bednarek, M. (ed) (2008) Special issue of Functions of Language 15/1 on Evaluation and Text Types.
Journal Articles
- (2024) Topic-modelling in corpus-based discourse analysis: Uses and critiques. Discourse Studies [Online First] https://doi.org/10.1177/14614456241293075
- (2024) Corpus-based discourse analysis: From meta-reflection to accountability. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory [Ahead of print] https://doi.org/10.1515/cllt-2023-0104 (open access) [M. Bednarek, M. Schweinberger & K. Lee]
- (2024) ‘Whitefellas got miserable language skills:’ Differentiation, scripted speech and Indigenous discourses. Language in Society [FirstView article] https://doi.org/10.1017/S0047404523000994 (open access) [M. Bednarek & B. Meek]
- (2024) Analysing intra-textual patterns in corpus-assisted discourse studies. Journal of Corpora and Discourse Studies 7: 43-62. DOI: 10.18573/jcads.113. Available here (open access)
- (2023) Corpus linguistics and television series: A personal reflection. TV/Series 22 [Special issue on ‘Rethinking Academic Disciplines with TV Series: An Epistemological Perspective’], https://doi.org/10.4000/tvseries.7271 (open access)
- (2023) Weight stigma: Towards a language-informed analytical framework. Applied Linguistics [Advance article] https://doi.org/10.1093/applin/amad033 (open access) [M. Bednarek, C. Bray, D. P. Vanichkina, G. Brookes, C. Bonfiglioli, T. Coltman-Patel, K. Lee & P. Baker]
- (2023) Super, social, medical: Person-first and identity-first representations of disabled people in Australian newspapers, 2000–2019. Discourse & Society 34/4: 405-428. https://doi.org/10.1177/09579265231156504 (open access) [A. Potts, M. Bednarek & A. Watharow]
- (2023) Trialling corpus search techniques for identifying person-first and identity-first language. Applied Corpus Linguistics 3/1 [100046]: 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acorp.2023.100046 (open access) [M. Bednarek & C. Bray]
- (2023) Functions of dialogue in (television) drama – A case study of Indigenous-authored television narratives. Language and Literature 32/1: 3-27. https://doi.org/10.1177/09639470221096601 [M. Bednarek & L-M. Syron]
- (2022) The evolution of swearing in television catchphrases. Language and Literature 31/2: 196-226. https://doi.org/10.1177/09639470221090371 (open access) [K. Beers Fägersten & M. Bednarek]
- (2022) Emotional labor in webcare and beyond: a linguistic framework and case study. Journal of Pragmatics 191: 256-270. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2022.01.016 [M. Fuoli & M. Bednarek].
- (2022) Winning the discursive struggle? The impact of a significant environmental crisis event on dominant climate discourses on Twitter. Discourse, Context & Media 45 [100564]: 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcm.2021.100564 [Bednarek, M., Ross, A. S., Boichak, O., Doran, Y. I., Carr, G., Altmann, E. G. & T. J. Alexander]
- (2021) Australian Aboriginal English in Indigenous-authored television series: A corpus linguistic study of lexis in Redfern Now, Cleverman and Mystery Road. The Journal of the European Association for Studies of Australia 12/1-2. Special issue on Australia as a Risk Society: Hopes and Fears of the Past, the Present and the Future. http://www.australianstudies.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/3-Bednarek_proofs-ok.pdf (open access). [A video recording of a talk related to this journal article is available here.]
- (2021) Computer-based analysis of news values: A case study on national day reporting. Journalism Studies 22/6: 702-722. https://doi.org/10.1080/1461670X.2020.1807393 [Bednarek, M., Caple, H. & C. Huan]
- (2021) Corpus approaches to telecinematic language. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 26/1: 1-9. [Bednarek, M., Veirano Pinto, M. & V. Werner]
- (2021) Computer-assisted digital text analysis for journalism and communications research: Introducing corpus linguistic techniques that do not require programming. Media International Australia 181/1: 131–151. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1329878X20947124 [Bednarek, M. & Carr, G.]
- (2020) Keyword analysis and the indexing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identity: A corpus linguistic analysis of the Australian Indigenous TV drama Redfern Now. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 25/4: 369-399. http://doi.org/10.1075/ijcl.00031.bed
- (2020) Editorial: Corpus linguistics and education in Australia. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 43/2: 105-116. https://doi.org/10.1075/aral.00029.edi [Bednarek, M., Crosthwaite, P. & García, A.]
- (2020) Invisible or high-risk: Computer-assisted discourse analysis of references to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people(s) and issues in a newspaper corpus about diabetes. PLoS ONE 15/6: e0234486. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0234486 (open access)
- (2020) The Sydney Corpus of Television Dialogue: Designing and building a corpus of dialogue from US TV series. Corpora 15/1: 107-119. Pre-print version available here.
- (2020) Diabetes coverage in Australian newspapers (2013-2017): A computer-based linguistic analysis. Health Promotion Journal of Australia 31/3: 497-503. https://doi.org/10.1002/hpja.295 [Bednarek, M. & G. Carr]
- (2019) Kaleidographic – A data visualization tool. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 24/2: 245-261. [Caple, H., Anthony, L. & M. Bednarek]
- (2019) Beyond risk and safety? Identifying shifts in sex education advice targeted at young women. Discourse & Society 30/3: 225-247. [Carr, G. & M. Bednarek] Pre-print version available for download here.
- (2019) ‘Don’t say crap. Don’t use swear words.’ – Negotiating the use of swear/taboo words in the narrative mass media. Discourse, Context & Media 29: 1-14 (available open access here)
- (2018) Using Kaleidographic to visualize multimodal relations within and across texts. Visual Communication 17/4: 461-474. [Caple, H., Bednarek, M. & L. Anthony]
- (2018) Key principles for analysing appraisal [评价系统研究中的关键原则 ], Foreign Languages Research [外语研究] 1: 39-45. [Bednarek, M. and C. Huan]
- (2016) Investigating evaluation and news values in news items that are shared via social media. Corpora 11/2: 227-257. Available here (open access)
- (2016) Voices and values in the news: News media talk, news values and attribution. Discourse, Context & Media 11: 27-37.
- (2016) Rethinking news values: what a discursive approach can tell us about the construction of news discourse and news photography. Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism 17/4: 435-455. [H. Caple and M. Bednarek]
- (2015) An overview of the linguistics of screenwriting and its interdisciplinary connections, with special focus on dialogue in episodic television. Journal of Screenwriting 6/2 (special issue on writing for television): 221-238.
- (2015) ‘Wicked’ women in contemporary pop culture: ‘Bad’ language and gender in Weeds, Nurse Jackie and Saving Grace. Text & Talk 35/4: 431-451.
- (2015) How can computer-based methods help researchers to investigate news values in large datasets? A corpus linguistic study of the construction of newsworthiness in the reporting on Hurricane Katrina. Discourse & Communication 9/2: 149-172. DOI: 10.1177/1750481314568548 [A. Potts, M. Bednarek, H. Caple]. Available here (open access).
- (2014) ‘And they all look just the same’? – A quantitative survey of television title sequences. Visual Communication 13/2: 125-145.
- (2014) Why do news values matter? Towards a new methodological framework for analyzing news discourse in Critical Discourse Analysis and beyond. Discourse & Society 25/2: 135-158. [M. Bednarek and H. Caple]
- (2014) Involvement in Australian talkback radio: A corpus linguistic investigation. Australian Journal of Linguistics 34/1: 4-23. Available here.
- (2012) ‘Value added’: Language, image and news values. Discourse, Context & Media 1: 103-113. [M. Bednarek and H. Caple].
- (2012) Construing ‘nerdiness’: characterisation in The Big Bang Theory. Multilingua 31: 199-229.
- (2012) ‘Get us the hell out of here’: Key words and trigrams in fictional television series. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 17:1: 35-63.
- (2011) Expressivity and televisual characterisation. Language and Literature 20/1: 3-21.
- (2011) The language of fictional television: a case study of the ‘dramedy’ Gilmore Girls. English Text Construction 4/1: 54-83.
- (2010) Playing with environmental stories in the news: good or bad practice? Discourse & Communication 4/1: 5-31. [M. Bednarek and H. Caple]
- (2010) Double-take: unpacking the play in the multi-modal news story. Visual Communication 9/2: 211-229. [H. Caple and M. Bednarek]
- (2010) Evaluation in the news – A methodological framework for analysing evaluative language in journalism. Australian Journal of Communication 37/2: 15-50.
- (2009) Dimensions of evaluation: cognitive and linguistic perspectives. Pragmatics & Cognition 17/1: 146-175.
- (2009) Language patterns and Attitude. Functions of Language 16/2: 165-192.
- (2009) Polyphony in Appraisal: typological and topological perspectives. Linguistics and the Human Sciences 3/2: 107-136.
- (2008) ‘An increasingly familiar tragedy’: evaluative collocation and conflation. Functions of Language 15/1: 7-34.
- (2008) Introduction. Functions of Language 15/1: 1-6.
- (2008) Semantic preference and semantic prosody re-examined. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 4/2: 119-139.
- (2007) Local grammar and register variation: explorations in broadsheet and tabloid newspaper discourse. ELR Journal 1.1. View it here: LocalGrammar
- (2006) Epistemological positioning and evidentiality in English news discourse – a text-driven approach. Text and Talk 26/6: 635-660.
- (2005) Frames revisited: the coherence-inducing function of frames. Journal of Pragmatics 37: 685-705.
- (2005) Construing the world: conceptual metaphors and event construals in news stories. Metaphorik.de 09/2005. Read it online at http://www.metaphorik.de/09/bednarek.pdf
Book Chapters
- (2024) Minoritised language varieties, sociolinguistic difference, and ‘telecinematic indexicalities’: A case study of the Australian television series The Warriors. In Miguel Fuster-Márquez & Luisa Chierichetti (eds). Language and Representation in Contemporary TV Series. Granada: Editorial Comares: 101-123. [Sam Herriman and Monika Bednarek]
- (2021) Using corpus linguistics to study indexicality in Indigenous-authored television drama: Keyword analysis and lexical profiling. In Carmen Gregori-Signes, Miguel Fuster-Márquez, and Sergio Maruenda-Bataller (eds). Discourse, Dialogue and Characterisation in TV Series. Granada: Editorial Comares: 1-21. Available (open access) here
- (2021). Swear/taboo words in US TV series. Combining corpus linguistics with selected insights from screenwriters and learners. In Valentin Werner & Friederike Tegge (eds). Pop Culture in Language Education. Theory, Research, Practice. London/New York: Routledge: 50-70.
- (2020). A nation remembers: Discourses of change, mourning and reconciliation on Australia Day. In Michele Zappavigna & Shoshana Dreyfus (eds). Discourses of Hope and Reconciliation. London/New York: Bloomsbury Academic: 205-220. [H. Caple and M. Bednarek]
- (2020). On the usefulness of the Sydney Corpus of Television Dialogue as a reference point for corpus stylistic analyses of TV series. In Christian Hoffmann & Monika Kirner-Ludwig (eds). Telecinematic Stylistics. London/New York: Bloomsbury Academic: 39-61.
- (2019). The language and news values of ‘most highly shared’ news. In Tim Dwyer & Fiona Martin. Sharing News Online. Commendary Cultures and Social Media News Ecologies. Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 157-188.
- (2019). The multifunctionality of swear/taboo words in television series. In J. Lachlan Mackenzie & Laura Alba-Juez (eds), Emotion in Discourse. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins: 29-54.
- (2018). ‘Epilogue: Analyzing pop culture’. In Valentin Werner (ed). The Language of Pop Culture. London/New York: Routledge: 253-264.
- (2017) Fandom. In: Christian R. Hoffmann & Wolfram Bublitz (eds). Pragmatics of Social Media. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter Mouton: 545-572.
- (2017) The role of dialogue in fiction. In: Miriam Locher & Andreas H. Jucker (eds). Pragmatics of Fiction. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter Mouton: 129-158.
- (2017) (Re-)circulating popular television: Audience engagement and corporate practices – with special focus on The Big Bang Theory. In: Janus Mortensen, Nikolas Coupland & Jacob Thøgersen (eds). Style, Mediation and Change. Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Talking Media Oxford: Oxford University Press: 115-140.
- (2015) ‘What we contrarians already know’: Individual and communal aspects of attitudinal identity. In: Maggie Charles, Nicholas Groom & Suganthi John (eds). Corpora, Grammar and Discourse. In Honour of Susan Hunston. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins: 257-281.
- (2015) Promotional videos: What do they tell us about the value of news? In: Roberta Piazza, Louann Haarman & Anne Caborn (eds). Values and Choices in Television Discourse. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan: 5-30. [M. Bednarek and H. Caple]
- (2015) Corpus-assisted multimodal discourse analysis of television and film narratives. In: Paul Baker & Tony McEnery (eds). Corpora and Discourse Studies. Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 63-87.
- (2014). ‘An astonishing season of destiny!’ Evaluation in blurbs used for advertising TV series. In: Geoff Thompson & Laura Alba-Juez (eds). Evaluation in Context. Amsterdam: John Benjamins: 197-220.
- (2014) ‘Who are you and why are you following us?’ Wh-questions and communicative context in television dialogue. In: John Flowerdew (ed). Discourse in Context. (Contemporary Applied Linguistics 3). London/New York: Bloomsbury. [formerly Continuum]: 49-70.
- (2014). The television title sequence: a visual analysis of Flight of the Conchords. In: Emilia Djonov & Sumin Zhao (eds). Critical Multimodal Studies of Popular Culture. London/New York: Routledge: 36-54.
- (2013) ‘There’s no harm, is there, in letting your emotions out’: language, emotion and identity in MasterChef Australia. In: Nuria Lorenzo-Dus & Pilar Blitvich (eds). Reality Television and Discourse Analysis in Action. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan: 88-114.
- (2011). Approaching the data of pragmatics. In: Wolfram Bublitz & Neal Norrick (eds). Foundations of Pragmatics (Handbooks of Pragmatics 1). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter: 537-559.
- (2011). The stability of the televisual character: A corpus stylistic case study. In: Roberta Piazza, Monika Bednarek & Fabio Rossi (eds). Telecinematic Discourse: Approaches to the Language of Films and Television Series. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins: 185-204.
- (2010). Corpus linguistics and systemic functional linguistics: Interpersonal meaning, identity and bonding in popular culture. In: Monika Bednarek & Jim R. Martin (eds). New Discourse on Language: Functional Perspectives on Multimodality, Identity, and Affiliation. London/New York: Continuum: 237-266.
- (2010). With a little help from the corpus: corpus linguistics and EFL teaching. In: Ahmar Mahboob (ed). Nonnative English Speakers in TESOL: a Resource Book. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press: 325-344.
- (2009) Emotion-talk and emotional-talk: cognitive and discursive perspectives. In: Hanna Pishwa (ed). Language and Social Cognition. Expression of the Social Mind (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs 206). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter: 395-431.
- (2008). ‘What the hell is wrong with you?’ A corpus perspective on evaluation and emotion in contemporary American pop culture. In: Ahmar Mahboob & Naomi Knight (eds). Questioning Linguistics. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press: 95-126.
- (2006) Evaluating Europe – Parameters of evaluation in the British press. In: Constant Leung & Jennifer Jenkins (eds). Reconfiguring Europe – the Contribution of Applied Linguistics (British Studies in Applied Linguistics 20). London: BAAL/Equinox: 137-156. Download it here.
- (2006) Enjoy! – The (phraseological) culture of having fun. In: Paul Skandera (ed). Phraseology and Culture in English (Topics in English Linguistics 54). Berlin: de Gruyter: 109-135. [with Wolfram Bublitz]
- (2006) Subjectivity and cognition. Inscribing, evoking and provoking opinion. In: Hanna Pishwa (ed). Language and Memory. Aspects of Knowledge Representation (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs 173). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter: 187-221.
- (2004) Nur im begrenzten Rahmen: Frames im Wörterbuch. In: Thomas Herbst, Gunter Lorenz, Brigitta Mittmann & Martin Schnell (eds). Lexikografie, ihre Basis- und Nachbarwissenschaften. (Englische) Wörterbücher zwischen common sense und angewandter Theorie. Tübingen: Niemeyer: 35-52. [with Wolfram Bublitz]
Conference Proceedings
- (2017). Introducing a new topology for (multimodal) discourse analysis. In Phil Chappell and John S. Knox (eds), Transforming Contexts. Papers from the 44th International Systemic Functional Congress. Wollongong: 44th ISFC Organising Committee. ISBN 978-0-646-97417-0 [with Helen Caple] Download it here.
- (2010). Emotion talk and emotional talk: approaches to language and emotion in Systemic Functional Linguistics and Beyond. In Canzhong Wu, Christian Matthiessen and Maria Herke (eds.), Proceedings of ISFC 35: Voices Around The World. Volume 2. Sydney: The 35th ISFC Organizing Committee: 39-45.
- (2009). Corpora and discourse: a three-pronged approach to analyzing linguistic data. In Michael Haugh, Kate Burridge, Jean Mulder and Pam Peters (eds.), Selected Proceedings of the 2008 HCSNet Workshop on Designing the Australian National Corpus: Mustering Languages, Cascadilla Proceedings Project, Sommerville, MA. Available here.
- (2008). Teaching English literature and linguistics using corpus stylistic methods. In: Zappavigna, M. & C. Cloran (eds). Proceedings ASFLA Congress 2007. Download it here: CorpusStylistics
- (2006). Sobbing, screaming and shouting? Reporting expressions in the British press. In Houswitschka, C., Knappe, G. & A. Müller (eds). Proceedings Anglistentag 2005 Bamberg. Trier: WVT: 561-572.
- (2006) ‘He’s nice but Tim’: contrast in British newspaper discourse. In: Pernilla Danielsson & Martijn Wagenmakers (eds). Proceedings from the Corpus Linguistics Conference Series, Vol. 1, no.1, ISSN 1747-9398. Download it here.
Working Papers
- Caple, H. and M. Bednarek (2013) Delving into the Discourse: Approaches to News Values in Journalism Studies and Beyond. Oxford: Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, The University of Oxford. Download it here: NewsValuesReview
- Paul Baker, Christos Gabriealtos and Tony McEnery (2013). Discourse Analysis and Media Attitudes. The Representation of Islam in the British Press. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 20(3): 405-412.
- Susan Hunston (2011). Corpus Approaches to Evaluation. Phraseology and Evaluative Language. London/New York: Routledge. ICAME 36: 133-137.
- Gerd Antos and Eija Ventola, in cooperation with Tilo Weber (2008) (eds.). Handbook of Interpersonal Communication. Handbooks of Applied Linguistics Volume 2. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Functions of Language 19(1): 126-134.
- Anne O’Keeffe and M. McCarthy (2010) (eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics. London/New York: Routledge. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 34(1):104-107.
- Theo van Leeuwen (2008). Discourse and Practice. New Tools for Critical Discourse Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. U: March 2009, University of Technology, Sydney.
- Jean Aitchison and D.M. Lewis (2003) (eds). New Media Language. London/New York: Routledge. Multilingua 25 (3): 362-365.
- Gilbert Weiss and Ruth Wodak (2003) (eds). Critical Discourse Analysis. Theory and Interdisciplinarity. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan. Anglistik 16 (1): 190-194.
- Alwin Fill and Peter Mühlhäusler (2001) (eds). The Ecolinguistics Reader: Language, Ecology and Environment. London/New York: Continuum. Anglistik 15 (1): 143-147.
- Deborah Cameron and Don Kulick (2003) Language and Sexuality. Cambridge University Press. Linguist List 14.2768 (14.10.2003).
Encyclopedia Entries
- (2006) Pragmatic aspects of reported speech. In: Keith Brown (ed). Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics 2nd Edition. Oxford: Elsevier: 550-553. [with Wolfram Bublitz]
- (2006) Bühler, Karl. In: Keith Brown (ed). Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics 2nd Edition. Oxford: Elsevier.
- (2006) Lacan, Jacques. In: Keith Brown (ed). Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics 2nd Edition. Oxford: Elsevier.
- Bibliography of linguistic research on fictional (narrative, scripted) television series and films/movies. Available at http://unico.academia.edu/RaffaeleZago/Bibliography. [with Raffaele Zago, updated regularly]
- Bibliography of Appraisal, Stance and Evaluation. Available at https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hang_Su3/contributions. [with Hang Su, updated regularly]
- (2023) Why research into screenwriting is important – a linguist’s perspective. Item for Screenwriting Research Network newsletter, November 2023. Available here.
- (2023) Labelling people with disability in Australian newspapers. Language on the Move (peer-reviewed research site) Available here [Annmaree Watharow, Monika Bednarek & Amanda Potts]
- (2021) Reporting obesity responsibly – a review of English-language media guidelines. Available here. [Carly Bray & Monika Bednarek]
- (2021) Australian diabetes news media coverage. Australian Diabetes Educator 23/4. Available at https://ade.adea.com.au/australian-diabetes-news-media-coverage/ [Monika Bednarek & Georgia Carr]
- (2020) Diabetes in the news: Project report. Available at https://apo.org.au/node/306786 [Monika Bednarek & Georgia Carr]
- (2020) What are news values? [90-second video explainer]. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8ljz3osEQQ&feature=emb_logo
- (2019) Shiiiiiit: The how and why of swearing in TV series. [guest blog post for Strong Language]. Available here.
- (2019) Writing dialogue for TV series: A scriptwriting tip sheet. Available here.
- (2019) Diabetes in the media [3-minute video summary]. Available here
- (2018) Cycling in the news: Executive summary. Available at http://apo.org.au/node/206181
- (2018) Diabetes in the news: Executive summary. Available at
http://apo.org.au/node/205196 - (2017) Corpus linguistics, journalistic discourse and TV series – An interview with Monika Bednarek. AELINCO 4. Valencia: Spanish Association of Corpus Linguistics, www.aelinco.es, ISSN: 2340-7735.
- (2014) ‘Resistance is futile’. Language use in television series. Babel May 2014: 19-24.
- (2014) Five reasons we should listen more closely to TV dialogue The Conversation, 28/4/2014. Available here.
- (2014) What the f***? How much swearing is there on TV? The Conversation, 31/3/2014. Available here.
- (2007) Zur Diskussion feministischer Themen im Englischunterricht am Beispiel von Liedtexten von Alanis Morissette. Praxis Fremdsprachenunterricht 3: 33-37.
- (2008) Affect in English: A Corpus-based Investigation of Emotion Talk. Habilitationsschrift, University of Augsburg, Germany. Summarised in English and American Studies 2008. Summaries of Theses and Monographs. A Supplement to Anglia. Tuebingen: Max Niemeyer.
- (2005) Evaluating the World. The Evaluative Style of British Broadsheet and Tabloid Publications. PhD thesis, University of Augsburg, Germany. Summarised in English and American Studies 2005. Summaries of Theses and Monographs. A Supplement to Anglia. Tuebingen: Max Niemeyer, 26-28.
- (2001) Frames Revisited: The Application of Frame Theory in Linguistics. MA thesis, University of Augsburg, Germany.